Send Bibles to Persecuted Christians
Help Liberty Relief International provide much-needed Bibles and discipleship materials to persecuted Christians, new believers with Muslim backgrounds and spiritual seekers who want to know more about Jesus in 50 of the harshest countries of the world.
For just $7, you can provide one Bible and discipleship materials for one persecuted Christian in his or her native language. You can bless 7 believers for just $49, and 20 for $140. Enter the amount you wish to give below to support our ongoing international outreach efforts with your tax-deductible gift today. Make sure you select I would like to make this a recurring donation on the checkout page to become a monthly donor and consistently support our persecuted brothers and sisters.
Your generous support is greatly appreciated. This outreach is part of our ongoing efforts to work with Christ-centered relief organizations to meet critical needs wherever Christians are under threat. Thousands upon thousands of brothers and sisters in these regions need our help to become grounded in the Word of God. Will you please stand with them today?
*Representative photos/names used for security reasons.