The Violence Against Christians Is Spreading

Mar 21, 2024

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Nigerian Christians aren’t the only ones repeatedly reeling from terrorist violence in Africa.

In the Congo, where a U.N. peacekeeping force is now withdrawing from the country:

“Ongoing violence in DRC has displaced 6.9 million civilians,” reports International Christian Concern (ICC). “Christians in northern and eastern DRC are particularly vulnerable to extremist terror groups. Though the Congolese government is pushing back against some of groups, insufficient attention is paid to Christian communities.”

In Mozambique:

“Recently, [attacks on Christians] have increased at an alarming rate and frequency,” according to ICC. “On January 4, 2024, IS-M [a radical Islamist group] launched a campaign against Christians, 'And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them.’ Within a week, eight ‘operations’ were carried out against Christians in Mozambique’s northern Cabo Delgado province, resulting in 10 Christians murdered and more than 200 houses burned.”

On the Open Doors 2024 World Watch List:

—Nigeria ranks No. 6.

—The DRC (Congo) is No. 41.

—Mozambique is No. 39.

In the same region: Sudan is No. 8 … Eritrea is No. 4 … Somalia is No. 2.

Far too many communities across Africa are home to unrelenting Islamic oppression that treats Christians with disdain.

Several nations are also in desperate need of humanitarian aid, with millions lacking the basics — safety, food, water, and more.

But LRI’s local ministry partners are there — feeding the hungry, encouraging the downtrodden, praying for an end to the violence and persecution.

And YOUR partnership makes it possible, &FIRSTNAME;. Please give generously today to keep it happening.

You will extend the compassion and love of Jesus to those who suffer greatly for the sake of the gospel.

God bless you for your compassion and love of Christ!

Mat Staver

*Representative names and photos used for security reasons.