"You Have Messed Up This Country With Your Bible"

May 2, 2024

Provide Physical and Spiritual Support to the Persecuted

God’s Word brings comfort to the Christian … but evokes hatred from the hostile.

“Three Christians were detained and tortured for weeks in southern Sudan after soldiers at a Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) checkpoint found one of them carrying a Bible,” reports Morning Star News.

A Muslim soldier at the checkpoint asked the men, “Whose Bible is this?”

When one of them claimed ownership, “All three Christians were jailed and tortured under harsh conditions.”

Now released and recovering, one of the men said of his captors, “They insulted us and said, ‘You have messed up this country with your Bible.’”

Believers in Sudan, Nigeria, and elsewhere across Africa are repeatedly targeted, tortured, and killed for their faith ...

But you can meet the needs of the most vulnerable through Liberty Relief International.

Millions of Christians have been displaced in Sudan … churches have been demolished … corruption has been rampant … and so many families have been torn apart by violence and religious intolerance.

Please minister strength and comfort through LRI’s Christ-centered partners amid all the uncertainty and unrest. Your online donation will provide food, water, shelter, and more — all while encouraging the persecuted emotionally and spiritually.

Our on-the-ground partners — in Sudan and beyond — offer trauma counseling, literacy and job training, assistance in rebuilding churches and homes that have been attacked or destroyed … plus Bibles, discipleship training and materials, and more.

Consider how generous you can be today — for the sake of every suffering man, woman, widow, child, or orphan who needs hope.

And please pray that these men tortured for their faith heal quickly — and that Sudan will experience the Lord’s peace. Thank you for caring for the persecuted.

In His Service,

Mat Staver

*Representative names and photos used for security reasons.